Sunday, May 19, 2024

Time to celebrate 75!


Definitely, it’s a time for India to celebrate its completion of 75 years of independence as a nation. 75 years of glory, advancement and development but at the same time 75 years of fight against hunger, poverty and terror attacks. it’s been a huge challenge for a country with a large population and limited resources. But we have successfully faced all of them with a brave heart.

As citizens of the country, we are proud that our nation is a saga of unity, liberty, dignity, and democracy at large. We have made a strong positive image with high moral values and ethical practices amongst all other countries. Need not to say that we have done n number of sacrifices to make such an image and to retain our independence intact and progress steadily.

As a civilisation, we are one of the oldest. We have been united and lived as communities for ages without having the modern nomenclature of a nation. In a way, we are a nation before the evolution of nationalism in the recent world. Many abstract and transient features define us as a country. Geographical boundaries have not much to do about it.

We have so many reasons to take pride at this hour. No other country can boast of such linguistic, religious and social diversity.

No other nation can claim to be such diversity in climate and geographical terrains.

No other society can assert to be as diverse as us in terms of rituals.

And it all comes so naturally to us that any attempt that has been made to damage or dilutes this diversity will only be fought against with courage. Instead, we need to celebrate what makes us unique in the world.

When we are celebrating 75th Independence Day today, let us also look back and pay tribute to the makers and markers of our identity. There are global changes that need to be assessed at this point.

When the world politics is changing rapidly, a pandemic is hitting humanity hard, development demands new parameters, and religious fundamentalism is rising everywhere, India has a greater role to play. To show the world the path of peace, cooperation and coexistence. We have done this before and we can do it now again.

Let the world know now once again that India is not just a nation but a living entity that believes in humanism and universalism, a breathing entity that has the capability to rise against all odds.

Let us regain the spiritual energy that can lead the world from the front towards prosperity and peace.

(Articles and opinions reflect personal views, perspectives and arguments of the author. Opinions expressed in columns and articles in no way represent views and opinions of Town Post, its editor or its editorial policies.)

Dr. Neha Tiwari
Dr. Neha Tiwari
Dr Neha Tiwari is an academic, writer, critic and filmmaker. She has been nominated as a member of the jury for Best Writing in Cinema for the 65th National Film Awards. She has written 6 state-level radio features and 1 Serial for AIR. Her areas of interest include media, literature and life. She teaches in Karim City College Jamshedpur as an Assistant Professor of English. She is also nurturing Mass Communication as a Professor In-charge since 2005.


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